Sponsorship Opportunities

ICSJ2024 invites you to be an official corporate sponsor, the company name and logo of which will be published on the official conference program and the official ICSJ website. ICSJ2024 offers some attractive benefits depending on the grade of sponsorship.

Sponsorship Packages by Grade

Grade Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Fee ¥300,000 ¥200,000 ¥150,000 ¥50,000
Promotional Video at
the Conference Reception
 Promotional Seminars
during Lunchtime
 Promotional Speech at
the Chair Reception
Sponsorship and Presentation
of ECR Award
Exhibition Booth*
 Advertising Video Streaming Before Plenary
Special Sessions
During Break Time
between Sessions
During Break Time
between Sessions
Conference Registration for Free 2 1
 Ad in Final Program and Proceeding Full Full Half
On the Board at the
Conference   Entrance
Large Medium Small Small
On Session Screen Large Medium Small Small
On the Backboard in the
Conference Hall and Rooms
ICSJ web site
* The number of exhibition space is limited. The exhibitions space is provided on first-come, first-served basis.
Sponsor-Care Chair of ICSJ2024

Kei Murayama (Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd.), kei_murayama@shinko.co.jp
Ryo Sakamaki (AIST), ryo.sakamaki@aist.go.jp

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